Participant Behavioural Code of Conduct
***Please note – referring an individual is deemed that the participant is aware of & has agreed to abide by the expectations listed in this Code of Conduct***
Participant Conduct: Phoenix Heroes Activities Cymru CIC (PH) take the safety and wellbeing of all of our participants very seriously. We are all part of the recovery community battling, doing our best to reset our lives in a healthier direction. We are also all, at differing levels, vulnerable.
We do our level best to provide a safe environment free from any form of bullying, intimidation, judgement or harassment, regardless of age, race, social status, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, disability, religion, beliefs, pregnancy and maternity or marital status. Abuse of any kind will not be tolerated.
The PH activity facilitator and any volunteers will treat all participants with dignity and respect at all times. Participants are required to do the same.
Drug and/or alcohol use: PH will not exclude those who are currently engaging with drugs/alcohol for medical maintenance reasons (Opioid Substitute Treatment or alcohol use to manage dependency, for example), but we ask that participants do not ‘use’ during any activity or in the company of other participants immediately before or after.
We also ask that participants do not attend any activity intoxicated to a level that is clearly noticeable. Presenting in this way can be upsetting and/or triggering for others. In the unlikely event of this happening, without any judgement, the participant will be discreetly and politely asked not to participate and to leave the activity. The participant, subject to making necessary adjustments, will be more than welcome to attend future events.
Confidentiality & Safeguarding: Please respect the confidentiality and the privacy of others at all times. What may be shared, what is seen and heard, should be treated as confidential and should not be shared without consent, with the exception of suspected safeguarding issues.
Our vulnerability to the risk of exploitation (financial, sexual or physical for example) by others is often increased due to our issues with substance use and/or mental health challenges.
Adult safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. Safeguarding means protecting people's right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It applies to adults who may not be able to protect themselves.
If you suspect someone is at risk of harm to themselves or others or being exploited, please speak with the Activity Facilitator.
Information Sharing: Information for Safeguarding concerns can be shared, preferably with consent, but also without consent if the person sharing, judges that there is a lawful basis to do so. Under these circumstances, this is not a breach of the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.
Any information shared for safeguarding purposes will be necessary, proportionate, relevant, adequate, accurate, timely and secure.
It will be shared only with those individuals/organisations who need to have it.
A copy of the PH Safeguarding Policy and the PH Privacy Policy is available on request.
Failure to adhere to these behavioural standards may lead to suspension and/or permanent exclusion from Phoenix Heroes Activities Cymru CIC.