Our exclusive focus is on delivering diversionary activities that are meaningful, rewarding, safe, fun and learning experiences in the community. Our services are non-clinical and not specific to the complex needs a participant may be receiving from the particular specialist support service(s) that person is registered with.

As such, we are able to accept referrals from the wide range of multi-disciplinary statutory and third sector services available. Service providers in areas such as, but not limited to, drug and alcohol, mental health, homelessness, criminal justice, approved premises, supported accommodation, out of work services, primary health care and adult social services, as examples.

Welcoming people to participate in an activity, alongside others with differing circumstances and divergent needs from various support services, will also help lessen any possibility of feeling categorised, labelled, branded or pigeon-holed by their connection with the referring agency as well as combating any ‘inter-cohort’ stigma or ‘othering’.

This model also epitomises interagency collaboration with service users meeting and interacting with individuals from a broad spectrum of contrasting providers – all with the unified goal of helping folks to lead healthier and happier lives.

Why The Phoenix Heroes