Blogs and links to articles that support recovery and participation in activities.

Benefits of outdoors on mental health and substance use

published on 8 Jul 2024

Research by the University of Stirling and The Salvation Army has identified potential short and long-term benefits of accessing the outdoors for people experiencing mental health issues or using substances – with one participant describing the opportunity to get outdoors and take part in organised activities as “life changing”.

I had alcohol problems - now I'm addicted to gardening

published on 7 Jul 2024

Gerry is on a quest for self-improvement in every area. The allotment is next to a large park and getting his 20,000 steps a day is part of a routine that includes gardening, reading and socialising with other residents.

He added: "Being out in green space has helped more than words can say and I think it would help anybody".

He loves the outdoors and says the Gerry of old would find it hard to imagine the Gerry of today - weeding, nurturing seeds and watching wildlife.

"I thought I'd be dead. But here we are, living life to the full now".